Apr 26

Future Directions in Spirituality Research

The exploration of spirituality has traditionally been the purview of philosophers, theologians, and, to some extent, psychologists. However, with the advent of interdisciplinary research and advanced technology, our understanding of spirituality and its effects on human life is poised for revolutionary insights. We will discuss the exciting prospects and future directions in spirituality research here. […]

Jan 4

Duke University & Parapsychology

Duke University has a long and storied history in the field of parapsychology, which is the study of anomalous psychological phenomena such as extrasensory perception, psychokinesis, and survival after death. The origins of parapsychology at Duke can be traced back to the 1930s when a group of researchers led by Dr. J.B. Rhine established the […]

Dec 19

An Overview on The Ganzfeld

The Ganzfeld method is a technique used in parapsychology, the study of psychic phenomena such as telepathy and extrasensory perception. It is designed to create a state of sensory deprivation in the participant in order to facilitate the experience of psychic phenomena. The Ganzfeld method involves the participant sitting in a comfortable chair in a […]

Aug 5

3 Underground Books on Astral Projection

Astral Projection and the Nature of Reality: Exploring the Out-of-Body State by John Magnus This Book was the first book I read on Astral Projection and one that I’ve had the most success with as well. This is a great book for beginners that are looking to understand the astral state and its characteristics. The […]

Mar 27

Where Does an OBE Take Place?

In reviewing hundreds of personal reports, there are many similar characteristics in the experiences of NDE’s and OBE’s. After looking at the reports, there were about 8 prominent characteristics that were similar to the two. These reports were made by paranormal investigators at the Rhine Research Center. They were turned in and recorded via mail, telephone, or […]

Feb 20

Re-Program Your Subconscious Mind

Practical Steps to Re-Program Your Subconscious Mind The subconscious mind lives and operates underneath the conscious mind. The term was coined by the French in the early 1800’s and they discovered that there lay in the brain in a separate form of conscious that was linked tightly to the various functions in the cerebrum. The […]

Jan 28

Extra Sensory Perception 101

Extra Sensory Perception 101   Extra sensory perception(ESP) over the years has baffled many scholars. How many times have we run to the doorbell, knowing even before opening the door, who it is? The innumerable times that we guess what the other person is going to say before they actually say it. These occurrences have […]

Dec 30

History of The Astral Plane

Astral Plane, also known as Astral Dimension is an existence postulated by Medieval, Classical, mystery religions, and Esoteric Philosophies. It is also referred as World of celestial spheres, connected with our soul since birth to death. According to experts, it’s populated by spirits, angels, and beings of other world. In late 20th century, astral term […]

Sep 22

Experience vs. Evidence

What is more important to the future of science, evidence or experience? [dropcap type=”squared”] T [/dropcap]he history of parapsychology started with investigations of experiences from apparitions, near-death, psychic phenomena, and mediumship. Information about psychic and spiritual events were based off of these experiences and used to explain the range of human being. The study of psi […]