Mar 7

Bridging Realms: Out-of-Body Experiences and Non-Human Encounters

The human mind, with its boundless curiosity and capacity for wonder, has long been intrigued by phenomena that lie on the fringes of scientific understanding. Among these are out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and encounters with non-human intelligence (NHI), each presenting a unique puzzle. While on the surface, these experiences might appear disparate, a closer examination reveals […]

Oct 18

Psi Research: From Mystic Origins to the Frontiers of Science

The exploration of psi phenomena, enveloped in the mysteries of human consciousness and capabilities, charts an enthralling journey from ancient mysticism to contemporary scientific inquiry. This extensive voyage into the depths of parapsychology, the academic field that studies psychic phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis, uncovers a narrative of resilience, innovation, and an […]

Sep 2

Navigating the Dreamscape: Gateways to the Future

Few phenomena are as captivating and enigmatic in the vast expanse of human consciousness as lucid dreaming, remote viewing, and precognitive dreaming. These extraordinary experiences challenge our conventional understanding of time and space, suggesting that the mind might be able to glimpse beyond the present moment. This blog post embarks on an exploratory journey into […]

Apr 26

Future Directions in Spirituality Research

The exploration of spirituality has traditionally been the purview of philosophers, theologians, and, to some extent, psychologists. However, with the advent of interdisciplinary research and advanced technology, our understanding of spirituality and its effects on human life is poised for revolutionary insights. We will discuss the exciting prospects and future directions in spirituality research here. […]

Mar 9

Three Key Obstacles Hindering Your Astral Projection

Three Key Obstacles Hindering Your Astral Projection Journey and How to Overcome Them For millennia, humans have been intrigued by the mysteries of astral projection—the ability to consciously navigate an astral body in non-physical realms while the physical body remains in a state of relaxation or sleep. Despite the enthusiasm, many individuals encounter certain roadblocks […]

Jan 10

CE-5 vs.HICE

CE-5 (Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind) and HICE (Human Initiated Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence) are both terms used in the UFO community to describe instances of human-initiated contact with extraterrestrial life. However, there are some critical differences between the two. CE-5 was coined by Dr. Steven Greer, who proposed that humans have the ability […]

Jan 9

The Future of Testing Psi

There are several ways that researchers could test psychic phenomena in the future more rigorously and scientifically. Here are a few examples: Large-scale experiments: One issue with many past experiments on psychic phenomena is that they have been small-scale and have not been independently replicated. To increase the credibility of the results, future investigations should […]

Jan 7

UFO’s & Consciousness

The connection between UFOs (unidentified flying objects) and consciousness is a complex and multifaceted topic that has captivated researchers, scientists, and the public for decades. The study of UFOs is often associated with the field of ufology, which is a pseudoscience that deals with the investigation of UFO sightings and encounters. While the scientific community […]

Jan 4

Duke University & Parapsychology

Duke University has a long and storied history in the field of parapsychology, which is the study of anomalous psychological phenomena such as extrasensory perception, psychokinesis, and survival after death. The origins of parapsychology at Duke can be traced back to the 1930s when a group of researchers led by Dr. J.B. Rhine established the […]