Sep 19

What Are Ultraterrestrials?

Ultraterrestrials are hypothetical extraterrestrial beings that are thought to exist in dimensions beyond our own, or in other words, beyond the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time that we experience in the physical world. The concept of ultraterrestrials is often associated with metaphysical or spiritual beliefs and ideas about the nature of […]

Jul 8

The Practice of Astral Projection

Astral projection, also known as astral travel or out-of-body experience (OBE), is a spiritual practice in which an individual’s consciousness is believed to separate from their physical body and travel beyond the physical world. It is said to be a form of meditation or lucid dreaming in which the person can actively control their experience […]

Feb 4

5 Steps to Research the UAP Phenomenon

Here is general guidance on how to approach researching the UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena) phenomenon. Define the scope of your research: It’s important to clearly understand what you are hoping to learn or accomplish through your research. Are you interested in a specific type of UAP encounter? Do you want to understand the underlying causes […]

Feb 1

The Astral on VICE TV

Recently I came across an opportunity to go on a national TV network to talk about astral projection and extraterrestrials. The network is VICE TV, and the show is called “In My Own World.” The show debut’s February 1st, 2022 at 10:00PM EST. Here is a link to the website where you can view it […]

Dec 19

An Overview on The Ganzfeld

The Ganzfeld method is a technique used in parapsychology, the study of psychic phenomena such as telepathy and extrasensory perception. It is designed to create a state of sensory deprivation in the participant in order to facilitate the experience of psychic phenomena. The Ganzfeld method involves the participant sitting in a comfortable chair in a […]

Nov 26

A Psionic Humanity : Future Psychics

Psionics is a term often used to describe the ability to use the power of the mind to influence the world around us or perform seemingly supernatural feats. This can include abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, and clairvoyance. The concept of psionics has been explored in various forms of popular culture, including science fiction, fantasy, […]

May 18

The Astral Dimension in Marvel’s Dr. Strange

Have you seen the Marvel movie, Dr. Strange? If you are familiar with near-death, out-of-body experiences, and astral projection you might have noticed some very interesting topics and events within the movie. At multiple moments in the movie Dr. Strange gains awareness of the Astral dimension and learns to interact with the dimension using mental […]

Aug 5

3 Underground Books on Astral Projection

Astral Projection and the Nature of Reality: Exploring the Out-of-Body State by John Magnus This Book was the first book I read on Astral Projection and one that I’ve had the most success with as well. This is a great book for beginners that are looking to understand the astral state and its characteristics. The […]