May 18

The Astral Dimension in Marvel’s Dr. Strange

Have you seen the Marvel movie, Dr. Strange? If you are familiar with near-death, out-of-body experiences, and astral projection you might have noticed some very interesting topics and events within the movie. At multiple moments in the movie Dr. Strange gains awareness of the Astral dimension and learns to interact with the dimension using mental […]

Feb 3

How Does Creative Intuition Work?

Scientists have pointed on many occasions that individuals appear to have creative intuitions when they are focused; many creators support this theory. Understanding this natural phenomenon has been a challenge for cognitive science. Intuition is the main ingredient when it comes to creativity and success. Creative intuition is not a mystery process of inspiration and […]

Jan 11

My Path to Parapsychology

Decide your passion. Go after your goal. My Path to Parapsychology Decide your passion. Go after your goal. It’s pretty straight forward. Decide what you want to do in life, figure out how and go do it. Unfortunately, most people have a hard time figuring out exactly what they want to do with their time. […]