May 16

4 Keys to Astral Projection

In reading books, taking courses, and practicing Astral Projection there seem to be 4 overall key points in reaching the out-of-body state. CONSISTENT PRACTICE You should aim to get into the habit of practicing astral exercises, and be dedicated to them. This means being disciplined and and focused on spiritual development and astral projection in […]

Jun 24

Are Near-Death & Out-Of-Body Experiences Related?

Near-Death Experience as related to the out-of-body experience During a near-death experience many claim to have similar experiences to those who have had an out-of-body experience. They both involve a different perception of reality and can have a lasting effect afterwards. There are many ways of scientifically explaining both experiences but as of now they […]

Mar 3

3 Simple Astral Projection Techniques

3 Simple Astral Projection Techniques Different astral projection techniques are available for anyone to learn and use in order to experience the astral dimension. You can experiment on each method until you can find one is most suited for you. For each technique or method, remember that the efficiency of astral projection will depend upon […]

Oct 29

The Best Astral Projection Routine

The Best Astral Projection Routine One of the top factors to achieving astral projection is desire. Having the will power and commitment to achieve a projection is a constant obstacle for beginners. You must have the desire to project so strongly within you that it produces a will, which in turn creates stress from that desire. Controlling your […]