[title style=”bordered”] The Astral [/title]

The Astral explores exceptional experiences and paranormal phenomena, such as, near-death experiences, extra sensory perception (ESP), lucid dreaming, and more. Users can contribute to scientific knowledge of parapsychology. In addition you will learn more about psychic phenomena and abilities.
Are you interested in the idea of the soul and the afterlife. What brings us together is our connection to everything in the Universe. To advance our understanding of human consciousness is to the benefit of all humanity. These projects, ideas and experiences are used to expand the knowledge of human nature, experience, and the relationship to our environment.
Lucid dreams, near-death, out of body experiences, and astral projection are all related. As are clairvoyance, telepathy, PK, and other Psi phenomena. The astral.com includes all these subjects and more to give you knowledge, ideas, and inspiration to explore the “other side” for yourself. Personal experience will shake off limitations and change the nature of reality.
Psi dreaming methods, Astral projection techniques, Research methods, Healing practices, are reviewed and discussed on this site. Research Library, and the preservation of information in the field of Parapsychology.

[row] [col-md-8 class=”col-md-offset-2″] [/col-md-8] [/row] [spacer size=”small”] [row] [col-md-3] [animate animation=”fadeInLeft” delay=”0″] [icobox color=”primary” icon=”fa-sun-o” title=”Contact Methods” url=”https://theastral.com/contact-methods/” desc=”Expand your conscious awareness through light, energy, and the power of thought.” btn_txt=”Read More”] [/animate] [spacer size=”small” class=”visible-xs visible-sm”] [/col-md-3] [col-md-3] [animate animation=”fadeInLeft” delay=”200″] [icobox color=”primary” icon=”fa-globe” title=”We Are Earth” url=”https://theastral.com/we-are-earth/” desc=”Our most important connection is to Earth. It’s home.” btn_txt=”Read More”] [/animate] [spacer size=”small” class=”visible-xs visible-sm”] [/col-md-3] [col-md-3] [animate animation=”fadeInLeft” delay=”400″] [icobox color=”primary” icon=”fa-space-shuttle” title=”Project Science” url=”https://theastral.com/project-science/” desc=”An open forum of investigation into Parapsychology and scientific exploration.” btn_txt=”Read More”] [/animate] [spacer size=”small” class=”visible-xs visible-sm”] [/col-md-3] [col-md-3] [animate animation=”fadeInLeft” delay=”600″] [icobox color=”primary” icon=”fa-lightbulb-o” title=”Creative Intuition” url=”https://theastral.com/creative-intuition/” desc=”Our life is just one big idea. Think, imagine, and create your future.” btn_txt=”Read More”] [/animate] [/col-md-3] [section]  
[row] [col-md-4] [testi3 name=”Robert Peterson” info=”Researcher/OBE”] Every one of those people had the ability to actually set foot in a strange, if different, new world–one that has been called “the astral plane.”.
[/testi3] [/col-md-4] [col-md-4] [testi3 name=”Robert Swan” info=”Explorer”] The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. [/testi3] [/col-md-4] [col-md-4] [testi3 name=”Albert Einstein” info=”heoretical physicist”] “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” [/testi3] [/col-md-4] [/row] [cta color=”alt” orient=”hor” fullwidth=”yes” title=”Search for Psi” subtitle=”” btn_txt=”Join the Search” btn_url=”https://theastral.com/search-for-psi/” btn_class=”primary” custom_bg_url=”https://theastral.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/earth-1388003_1920.jpg”]  

[title style=”bordered”] The Astral Projects [/title] [portfolio num=”4″ cat_slug=”” cols=”4″]